Dental Fillings in Benton Louisiana

Dental Fillings

What is a Dental Filling?

A composite filling is a natural-looking, tooth-colored filling used for restoring teeth that have decay, cracks, chips or cavities.

How do you know if you need a filling?

If you are experiencing discomfort in your teeth, you may be a good candidate for a filling. Teeth sensitivity is an effective indicator of decay or fracture. When you come in for an evaluation, we will direct you to the appropriate dental treatment for your situation. We typically recommend fillings as the best solution for restoring teeth that have decay , cracks, chips, and cavities.

What to expect at your appointment.

When you get a filling, you might first be given a local anesthesia to numb the area. Next, Dr. Henry will likely use a drill to cut through the enamel and remove decay. He will then etch the tooth with an acid gel. Etching makes tiny holes in the tooth’s enamel that the composite material fills. After placing and shaping each composite material layer, he will use a special, high intensity light to harden it. After that, your tooth is ready for polishing. As a last step, Dr. Henry will usually have you bite down on a special paper to make sure the filling is allowing you to bite correctly. Some soreness around the treated tooth as well as the injection site is normal and should subside in a few days.
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We are located in the Kingston Korner Shopping Center. You can find us on the corner of Highway 3 and Kingston Rd. right next to Kingston Neighborhood Market.

5606 Benton Road
Benton, LA 71006

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Office Hours

Monday - Wednesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Friday - Sunday: Closed
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